ASH BUSH Marbled Calligraphy Carrot Pens Oblique
Ash is the creative force behind this endeavour! This particular range is called Resonate. Yes that's right, they are made from resin.
They're sturdy, un-crackable* and waterproof. Come again? Yes, waterproof. Are you a busy, messy artist like she is? Me too. Perfect. You can get this pen all inky, and then scrub the whole thing under water. Dip it in Windex. You no longer have to worry about disturbing the wood.
To clean: wipe it down with Windex and water. Don't leave any pen submerged in Windex for an extended amount of time - the chemicals will break the pen down.
*This does not mean indestructible. There is no lacquer that can crack.
This penholder is suited to a G nib. Nikko, Zebra G and Tachikawa are perfect beginner nibs.
Check out Ash's other beautiful complementary products of the Tilted Ink Well and Pen Pillows.